The John G. and Marie Stella Kenedy Memorial Foundation
Sylvia Menchaca Balli Aguilera, et al;
In the 105th District Court of Kenedy county, Texas.

Order to Change Venue - posted 05/19/02
Agreed Order in Adobe Acrobat Format - 2 pages - 70.5KB
Agreed Order in Microsoft Word Format - 2 pages - 62.5KB
Trial Scheduling Order - posted 05/16/02
Scheduling Order in Adobe Acrobat Format - 1 page - 110.6KB
Scheduling Order in Microsoft Word Format - 1 page - 93.1KB
Scheduling Order in GIF Image Format - 1 page - 31.2KB
3. Hector's Trial Brief in Support of Motion to Change Venue - posted 05/16/02
Trial Brief in Adobe Acrobat Format - 35 pages - 78.8KB
Trial Brief in Microsoft Word Format - 35 pages - 105.5KB

Offer of Evidence in Support of Motion to Change Venue - posted 05/16/02
Offer of Evidence in Adobe Acrobat Format - 2pages - 114.1KB
Offer of Evidence in Microsoft Word Format - 2 pages - 92.7KB
