2504 Hidalgo St. ·
Austin, TX 78702
(512) 478-5438 · FAX (512)
472-2501 · EMAIL: webmaster
August 18, 2001
TO: All Members of Ballí Family Heritage, LLC
RE: Cemetery Clean-Up & Meeting
The Ballí Cemetery clean up for Saturday, September 1, 2001 has been
postponed until further notice.
The family get-together will proceed as planned for the same date
beginning at 3:00 p.m., at the Champion/Stewart Residence (Mile 4 and
3/4 West and 11 North), Weslaco, TX. Only members of Balli Family
Heritage and persons represented by Mr. Hector Cárdenas are invited.
This meeting and get-together will be strictly for adults, because
space is limited and children distract the meeting. Please do not
bring your children.
From Expressway 83 in Weslaco take N. Texas Blvd. (FM-88) to the North.
Go North approximately 2.75 miles.
Turn right (East) onto 11 mile north road.
Go about 1/4 of a mile.
It will be the 9th house on the left side of the road. There are no houses on
the right side.
Look for signs.
A brief up-date on the case will be conducted by a Ballí Family member
and Attorney Hector Cárdenas. Afterwards, meals will be served,
music will be playing and families will have the opportunity to meet
and introduce each other to distant family relatives.
Please reply to David Ballí (webmaster),
whether you will be
attending and the number of family members who will be accompanying
you. It is crucial that we get your RSVP in order do determine the
amount of food to prepare.
Jose Ballí,
Please feel free to bring your own ice chest with beverages.