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March 7, 2014

To the Heirs of Spanish & Mexican Land Grants
Texas House Bill 724 Meeting Update

The Texas House Bill 724 meeting held in Austin on 02/28/14 was well attended. The first meeting room overflowed into a second meeting room accommodating all that showed up.

Many questions were asked and answered. One of the best questions asked was…. How much money will it cost to claim rights to unclaimed Land Grant mineral proceeds? The answer came from
committee member Al Cisneros …. Mr. Cisneros informed us that no money should be spent
by any family member not until the committee has made its recommendations and the Legislative group has voted HB724 as law.

Beneath is the link to see a video from 02/28/14 for State Capital Mineral Commission meeting on HB724. You may need to install RealPlayer Cloud to see the video:

Below is a link for a free download and instructions to install RealPlayer Cloud to see the video:

If you do not want to install the software mentioned above, you may listen to these recordings in CD or cassette format in the House Communications, Video/Audio Services office, located in the John H. Reagan Building at 105 West 15th Street, Room 330, Austin, TX. (Just North of the State Capitol) Copies of the audio recordings may be purchased for a fee. For more information, call (512) 463-0920. You may send your signed Open Records Request letter via fax at (512) 463-5729 or mail to the Texas House of Representatives, c/o Video/Audio Services, P. O. Box 2910, Austin, TX 78768-2910.

Meanwhile you can search the web for unclaimed funds under your name. The states are responsible for locating the rightful owners. With the states combined there is over $40 billion dollars waiting to be claimed by the rightful owners. The following two links are recommended: allows you to search 40 states at the same time allows you to search states individually

The next HB724 Mineral Commission meeting is scheduled for 04/25/14. We will post details on that meeting as soon they become available.

Fred B. Balli