“At BFO,
We lead the family worldwide to information vital to our heritage.
Fact finding is our mission and
Unity is our bond.”

November 9 , 2008

To the Heirs of Ballí Spanish Land Grants
Dee Dee King, Certified Genealogist

When it comes to re-doing our genealogy we know there are lots of negative feelings on this subject. Keep in mind that our objective is producing legal documentation and genealogical documentation that proves our case. We must do it right or suffer the consequences.

Allegations against a certified genealogist are serious and anyone who makes such claims will need to produce documentation that PROVES their allegations. Otherwise they're doing nothing more than spreading gossip and side-tracking the real issues. We will take accusations seriously and will check out any evidence to get the proof. We will then be able to tell everyone that we did investigate and report our findings.

There are two halves of our whole case, the legal half and the genealogy half. The Ballí Family Organization is setting the highest standards for the genealogy component:

Number one - Our preference is to have one person prepare the genealogies and the reports. We are not willing to accept reports from several genealogists of varying experience and professional levels who turn in multiple reports that are not consistent in content or quality.

Number two - What level of professional standards do we require of the genealogists? We require credentials, training, membership in professional associations, experience in probate matters in the courts and guarantee that the genealogy work is to accepted methodology and reporting standards. Mrs. King is a perfect fit and we have checked out her references.

Number three - What are our standards for evidence? We insist on originals or certified copies as the basis of all proof for anyone wanting to be declared an heir. If you are a primary heir you should feel obligated to be declared according to these high standards. If you are a secondary (or more) generations and 18 years of age, it is up to you if want to be declared.

I feel these three areas of concern should be reviewed by each family member. Ultimately, it does matter what we decide now because we need to learn from the past. Previously, almost all declarations were thrown out by the Zapata Court because of the non-conformity of the records. Any Ballí can select their own genealogist to help with the research. However, to get into the BFO Ballí Master Database and evidence file they still have to submit the documentation, agreement and fee with Mrs. King.

It is in the family’s best interest to take this route.

For more information visit her web site at:

You can also click on the link below for Frequently Asked Questions section of her website:

The Organization will take on the expense if there is no way you’re able to pay the $150.00 fee for your declaration. We will require a very good explanation before paying the fee and as long as the funds are available.

I am asking for all of the BFO board members and Ambassadors to lead by example and get their genealogy done as outlined above. In the near future I will be contacting each of you to check if you are doing a satisfactory job.

Remember one thing... you can say you are a Ballí but in court you have to prove it.

Fred B. Ballí