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We lead the family worldwide to information vital to our heritage.
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Theft of Spanish Land Grant
"We feel a terrible injustice has occurred and we plan to expose it in court."

To the Public
Balli Family (Barreta Branch) Wind Farm Protest

The Ballí Heirs of José Manuel Ballí de Villarreal are engaged in a legal dispute with the Kenedy Memorial Foundation for thousands of acres of land known as "La Barreta", land which was never sold to the Kenedy family. The Heirs are claiming that the land has been leased to the Kenedy family since the mid 1800’s through several leases, the most recent one, approved by Sarita Kenedy East, as late as 1948. The lease, produced by the Ballí Heirs in court documents, calls for a renewal of an agreement to give Sarita East access to La Barreta for fifty years in return for $10,000 dollars in cash and gold.

Officials from the Kenedy Foundation claimed a Title in their possession makes them the rightful owners of the "La Barreta" land. The Foundation dismisses the Ballí family claims and filed suit in 1997, asking the courts to declare the Foundation the rightful owner of "La Barreta".

In September 2005, the Court ruled in favor of the Foundation saying our documents were untrue and not fit for trial. A Jury not a Judge should decide this case. The last chance we have to directly attack the judgment with extrinsic fraud is September 2, 2009. We believe that no development of the land should be made until all our time before the Court on cause 1261 has been exhausted. We have plenty of evidence to prove our case to a jury of our peers. It is our right!

The Wind Farm Project partners need to get their story straight and train their minds on the facts because they might lose in the end. They will make a big mistake if they continue to build. Many companies go under because of bad decisions and their outcome won’t be any different if they move forward in this endeavor without Ballí family involvement. "We are worthy of Justice!"

In late 1798, José Francisco Ballí de Villarreal was elected the new Chief Justice of the Villa de Reynosa in the Province of Nuevo Santander. Francisco petitioned the King of Spain, Carlos III, for new lands to move the township of Reynosa Vieja to higher ground because it was prone to devastating floods. Before the King could comply, the Rio Grande overflowed, inundating and destroying the old village. Francisco donated land which had been granted to his father, Juan Antonio Ballí, to establish the new village of Reynosa Nueva on higher ground. In appreciation for this gesture, the King bestowed to him a land grant to the north, which came to be called "La Barreta". On March 23, 1804, Francisco sold the grant to his younger brother, José Manuel Ballí de Villarreal, for the sum of 200 pesos. The land was later leased to the Kenedy family. The last lease between the families expired in October of 1999. A peaceful Wind Farm protest rally is scheduled for July 06, 2008 to show them that they are not through dealing with the Ballí Family.

Respectfully yours,
Fred B. Ballí, President