2504 Hidalgo St. · Austin, TX 78702
(512) 478-5438 · EMAIL:

April 2, 2003

NOTICE: To all the heirs of Jose Manuel Balli Villarreal
RE: Balli Fund Raiser & BBQ - Thank You

The Balli Fund Raiser & BBQ held on March 22, 2003 was a success. Hector Cardenas and Eileen Fowler did an excellent job updating the family and had one-on-one conversations with most of the people present. We enjoyed music provided by family members Manuel Tamez and Rick Tamez of Rio Grande Entertainment and from Jaime Gonzales. Proceeds from the event will be used to fund the Balli family's litigation against the Kenedy Memorial Foundation. Special thanks go out to Alicia Stewart and her team for a job well done!

At the BBQ, the most suggested idea for raising money was through rummage sales. Our attorneys are very busy trying to win this case for us and they do not have time to listen to excuses about why some of you have not paid your share of the expenses. Please contribute what you can. Remember, we stand behind the truth and it needs to be heard in court.

If anyone is willing to organize a rummage sale and/or if anyone has ideas how we can raise money for our cause, please contact family member JoAnne Guzman Elliott at 254-793-3700.

Respectfully yours,
Fred B. Balli

Hector H. Cardenas, Jr.
Ramon Garcia
Michael Jones
Eileen Fowler
George Willingham
Los Ballis Restoration, L.L.C.
Jimmy Cardenas' Group


P.S. A new update to the "Ballis in the News" was recently added to the BFH Web Site. The update is regarding a new book that recasts history with an account of some forgotten BALLI women. Marina Pisano from the San Antonio Express-News wrote the newspaper article.